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Tenzing fans, note: I posted a few more pics yesterday. I miss him. {Sniff.}
Licorice vodka FTW? RT @yarnivore, @dylan2: Freezing cold, no internet, boring: it's a French web 2.0 conference!
I feel weird not having any homework hanging over my head.
@Moeskido I already live far enough out as it is, thanks. Commuting distance != walking distance.
Enjoying this album: RT @kristinhersh: New 50FOOTWAVE, "Power+Light" - streamimg now @ http://50footwave.cashmusic...
Just calculated that 89 percent of my net income is going toward rent at the moment. And I have a dirt-cheap apartment, by NYC standards.
Presentationz iz done, and with them, the semester. Looking forward to sleeping for more than five hours at a stretch.
I am really not in the mood for this today.
Trying to figure out which account has enough money in it to cover the rent. I am not enjoying working at half-pay.
Found my fucking camera charger, finally, within seconds of walking into my apartment. I thought of it, and instantly the object appeared.
We are calling it a night.
Trying to pull all these weird chunks of code together.
@dylan20 Dude. Where have you been?
I just made a button closure out of an LED. I'm pretty happy about that. Also? We seem to be getting somewhere.
I hate electricity.
Naturally, the last thing I sewed last night, when I was really fried? Was wrong. Repeat after me: LEDs are digital, not analog.
Going to have lunch with Mom.
@a_s_ It is not. Ozge gave that back.
@yarnivore Yes, I have been pretending I work in a Malaysian sweatshop, sewing night and day in a dimly lit room.
Going to stop by the office on my way home, to see if something I've been looking all over for is sitting on my desk.


Dylan Tweney Sandy seanaes Rose Francis Swerdloff Christina Schulman Cynthia Closkey Pippa Mary Jeys Andrew Simone Elisabeth Sheila Ryan Erin McKean Frenchie Productions Pablo Defendini todoist elizabethperry jorge dervalah asli sevinc TrackThis kristinhersh Denise Covert Maurice Kessler Lucy Foley Karenj245 TypeCon SitePoint diana_vreeland shesgeeky diegorioja craigwbrown Denise davidmoldawer