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Why is it so long since I listened to Dusty in Memphis? Beautiful music.
@jdickerson Accept it graciously - just don't count on redeeming it.
@hanashi It's a bit easier than summoning an evil spirit - and a good bit less useful. :-)
@Ihnatko I was mildly surprised to see that Let it Snow was not already in my iTunes library. It is now.
@dansmath re #20 - I know the answer, but it's gross. ;-)
Just went to invoke Dashboard and couldn't remember which F-key to use. That's how often I use Dashboard.
@tweetie Thanks for the reply, but that's not quite what I meant... I'll email when I have the time.
Seems Tweetie isn't great at @ replies: you can reply to the person but not to a specific tweet; reply will appear to be to their latest.
After giving a short talk to some tourists on the history of the Crown Bar, I am told that few of them speak English. Not before; after.
@jemimakiss Et voilà - exploding potato! You left out the "prick with a fork" bit.
@jemimakiss (not *a* gadget, but a class of gadgets) This is going to be a big Christmas for digital photo frames.
Work is the curse of the twittering classes. I have to go and do some now.
@charlesarthur Well, exactly. Did you respond to the finding of ice on Mars with "I read a story about that once. Not news to scientists"?
Listening to a Jack Benny radio show. Don Wilson urging me to get a little gay with my salads and serve Jello fruit bowl.
@apelad In defiance of your instructions to do notjing, I send you decimal-birthday greetings. Happy 13000th day. Youngster.
@DonMcAllister Yikes! Awful roam rates are the main reason I've held out on an iPhone; I cross the Irish border a lot, £3 per MB wd kill me....
@charlesarthur It caused Asimov some inconvenience too, when he resumed the Foundation series. But it IS news to scientists. New evidence.
I bought a scarf today and the label says "professional dry clean." There are amateur dry cleaners?!?
Leaving a pub tonight a guy said to the barman "See ya - hope your thing clears up soon!" Must shout that at someone in an airport someday.
@jgamet They appear to be pants of many colours. Are you Joseph from the waist down?


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