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surely the point of a night out with people it to actually be able to interact with -shock horror- PEOPLE! Or does everyone hate eachother?
back from the work xmas party, left when band stareted, so loud I couldn't talk to the guy next to me. Why is killing all talk a good thing?
@albertwhite ROFL, best idea I've heard yet!
I can't believe the vice president of the USA is bragging about authorising this:
OMG, I can't believe Obama is asking a homophobic biggot to be part of his inaugural address. How is more hate any form of change?
@typicalmacuser I'm glad you did it that way, makes maintenance easier, no other files get mixed in that way for you to accidentally nuke!
does anyone else's iPhone regularly reboot when you try to sync it? Definitely didn't used to happen but happens just about every time now
@stuhelm easier to maintain that way. I do it too but with /blog instead
ok, some clarification from Apple, Apple care on iPhone I not available YET, but it will be from early next year, no details on price yet.
on phone to Apple ... apparently the Apple rep who told me I can't get Apple care on my iPhone was talking crap!
@davebarrett not available in Ireland according to Apple support
@justingbyrne no Apple care on iPhones, they don't offer it. So if your phone blows up after a year you're screwed, AND tied into a contract
The hidden iPhone gottcha - NO extended waranty from Apple beyond a year, FORCED by Apple into an 18 month contract. DISGRACEFUL
iPhone headset followup - Apple replaceing for free ... I do love Apple customer care!
@destraynor have you used the iPhone version of WriteRoom yet? Tempted to buy it, but would love to hear from someone who's used it first.
@macsteps not that I can see, but I only get sound in one ear and the clicker has stopped working :(
my iPhone headphones just packed it in ... 2 months. Pathetic. Irish law requires something be "fit for purpose" - these are clearly not.
fixed RApidoWrite as follows: 1)turn off assistive devs 2) reboot 3) turn on Assistive Dv 4) reboot. Have to do all those reboots or no joy
pants pants pants ... 10.5.6 has bust RapidoWrite for me .... soooo annoying!
@OzRose I'm in sock ... my January is ruined ... well ... OK ... not quite ... but still. Now watch everyone assume Steve is deathly ill :(


Victor Cajiao John Gruber Don McAllister Ben McRedmond Aaron Dyer hotdogsladies Adam Christianson Joseph Nilo Katie Tim Verpoorten rose Matthews Allison Sheridan Michael King Leo Laporte Phil Plait Debbie T Damian Murphy Andrew Page Des Traynor Gazmaz Stu Helm David Barrett Ken Ray TheMaMommy Wayne Lewis King Vishal Vatsa Hannes Brandstaetter Elliott darraghs Dave Cahill philbrennan marieboyer Stephen McCarron Jane Griffiths Aidan Mc Carron