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tweeting. breakfasting.
dry eyes. Not like Ben Stein. Breaking in the new couch.
waiting for a phone call....
lunch=smoothie. Work. Then class tonight. Summer school blows.
refining this cover letter before I send it off.
relishing in the last day of summer freedom. Classes start on Tuesday. Monday brings working for dollars and a CSC meeting.
setting up a bunch of rss feeds. Getting dressed and ready for work. Multitasking, really.
breakfasting. considering writing those cover letters.
downloaded Adium for my chatting needs, dealing with cat kneading empty belly
cranberry walnut waffles on the waffle iron, waiting for friend to show for breakfast date. She's on her way--biking.
done writing my paper. Now one more group project until a few days of freedom before the storm of summer session 1.
resting after having spent the day to help plaster a straw bale house.
recovering from stomach flu eating chicken noodle soup and watching Bob Barker on the Price is Right.
thinking about eggs and veggie sausage patties for lunch....
thinking about drinking coffee
munching on Jelly Bellies. Reading: "To the Internet, From the Internet: Comparative Media Coverage of Transnational Protests"
attempting this critical response to "Whose voice is heard in online deliberation?" but I'm on vacation and I don't wanna.
arrived in Albuquerque looking forward to a break from cold Indiana, and it's rainy and chilly here!
getting in the shower. Still hungry. How is this?
avoiding creation of the RDF schema... still not sure I understand the different between classes and properties.


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