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hmm 3.5 mile run and i have side aches on both sides of my body. a clear sign that i am out of shape
@monikkinom is that wordpress 2.7 .org or .com?
well twitter its nighty night for me. see you all tomorrow. check out my latest blog post if you haven't
@erikboles well that makes 2 of us :)
@theesco i gotta say thats a tempting proposition. technically all i would need is a couple of pics and a bio
@doshdosh thats not sad- she lived a full life and made it to a ripe old age. we should hope to be so lucky
well zach and I managed to come up with some guidelines for how we decide if we want to let people join our snowboard team
alright twitter I'm outa here for a bit. need to confer with neighbor about snowboard team
@openzap im not sure how your site works.. is it an aggregator for twitter links?
#spokane PreSeason Jibulation #2 !! !!
@blakeguerrero just wanted to let you know I got your email and will be checking it out and getting back to you
@babyliv damn- no need to yell
@wageek WB!! i missed you sooo much :D thats only like 50% sarcasm
hey everyone check out my latest blog post - please leave a comment if you like it
@additive hey anychance you have computer with you on the west side and could do some cool design stuff?
@EliShayotovich watching your show has made me REALLY want a beer
@sherryrose thanks for the email. ill keep it in mind as the season begins
@wageek alright ill do that. not 100% ill be able to make it tomorrow because I might be going to free hotwings and cyrus olearys
hey #spokane check out my latest news post - - you think I should put some pics in it? @martin001 or leave me a comment


Chris Sacca Wayne Sutton Jason Gilman Paul Terry Walhus Scott Beale Chris Brogan Justin Kownacki Brian Clark Tantek Çelik ryan greenberg Howard Greenstein Mickipedia Robert Scoble Matt Herzberger Nathan Harrison the Domestic Diva James Archer Tamar Weinberg clint fisher BBC News Tac Anderson Michael Banovsky blipfish Christopher Penn James Nisbet amber mac Natalie Greco Aaron Brazell AJ Vaynerchuk Rick Burnes Johnathan Hardesty Jeremy Sanchez Jason Ziglar Brendan Cassida Jon Swanson Kevin Werbach
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