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Note to self: Give people the right call in number and access code if you want them to attend your Webinar.
Wow. In reading my tweets this morning one would think I was drinking. Feeling a bit too randy for twitter, me thinks. Check, please!
@sandiamorello Seriously--hee-hee--you have to stop. I'm going to pee myself again. Or is that what the maxi-pads are for?
There's no better feeling that getting over being sick. I feel full of vim and vigor! And sarcasm. Lots of sarcasm.
@amanda_pants Congrats on breaking the 300 ceiling! (You didn't set up a couple of bogus accounts and follow yourself, did you?)
@sandiamorello You said period! Hee-hee! Ha-ha! Damn, I think I just wet myself.
@K_Seas I'm using It's a paid service, but it seems really easy for the end user. Plus, Webex still has no Mac support. Jerks.
Getting ready to put on my first webinar ever. This one is for clients only, but if it doesn't suck I'll do more.
@ericholsinger Just don't say "titmouse" to me when I've got a food in my mouth. #spittake
69 (hee-hee!) link building tips for 2009:
Some photos I took from the classic car show at the Portland Motor Club tonight.
@robertdenton Met ur wife at the car show tonight; didn't know it was also a museum event, too. Sorry you had to miss it. Posting pix soon.
The "Holiday Gift Guides" that are obligatory fodder in Dec. magazine issues should have to post "Advetisement" at the top of each page.
Home sick, but now I have to rally go to to a client's grand opening. However, it's a classic car collection, so it should be cool.
Planning on eating out in Portland, Maine? This site kicks ass! http://www.portlandfoodmap....
OK, Maine Tweeps! Because you demanded it, Maine Tweetup #4 on 12/11 at Novare Res. Retweet as necessary.
Do you need two Facebook accounts? One for business and one for pleasure?
@Love2Sail It's probably because I'm So. Damn. Good looking. :-P
Just scheduled a TV appearance about review Web sites, i.e., Yelp or TripAdvisor. Anyone have one they love (or hate?) Why?
@Love2Sail Yes, I use TweetDeck for Twitter; can't imagine Twitter w/o it.


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