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@kamla Not really. Only recently did Apple even suggest anti-virus software. Even that was a mild recommendation. I wouldn't worry yet
@kamla You don't need any, really. 99% of mac users don't have any virus software. Thank god.
@kamla OMG - no question. I've been on a mac since 2006. Amazing. Can't go back. Startup is hard and porting email is hard. Rest is awesome.
@JimMacMillan re: WP 2.7, you should backup, but backup everyday anyway.Get the WP Database backup plugin and set it to auto-backup.
@Louis_Monier 3-d printers are awesome. A friend made an attachable lamp for R's Kindle using a 3-d printer. Even inscribed it w/ R's name!
@anbudan_BALA THanks... and the "cough, cough" was for a specific someone who got the message ;)
Twhirl is down... forced to use the web interface. I really hate having to refresh/reload (cough, cough, cough)
@georgel - lol. you are such a geek. now, you are also very creative, so maybe that can be your disqualification?
@azita99, @etu - thank you! @fmbillwatt - please do! I am hoping to fill my "creativity" tank - who shld I follow @current?
@jeffreymcmanus Lol. You're one of the more "diverse" tech guys, Jeffrey. I'd always follow you!
Wish there were more artists, photographers, journalists, dancers on twitter. Tired of seeing mainly tech folks. Maybe I should look harder.
@amandahesser I am so with you! Why?? I don't quite know. All I know is that I will get only 5 hours of sleep - max. Ugh.
On a user's Flickr stream page, clicking backwards,.The ad banner on top comes&goes-I have to keep moving my cursor up&down,up&down. *UI 2*
@snapjudge The sliding switch to turn on didn't work. Unscrewed handle and reconnected the slider device (had moved)to the external slider.
Just dismantled and fixed my non-functioning vacuum cleaner. Sears would have charged me >$100. Quite proud of myself :)
Such an interesting use of twitter. A real-time interview on twitter - @jonathan83 interviewing @prempanicker in full public view. Cool.
@prempanicker @jonathan83 you guys should # tag this with something so we can read the full thread later. Else it will be hard to piece ...


Evan Williams Josh Kopelman Chris Fralic om Dave McClure Dave Winer Jason Calacanis Jeffrey McManus Andrew Parker Reid Hoffman Robert Scoble Balaji hunterwalk Hugh MacLeod CenterNetworks Kiruba Shankar Amit Agarwal Loic Le Meur Pierre Omidyar Gaurav Mishra Charlie O'Donnell Damiano Vukotic Mrinal Desai Barack Obama Yuvi Panda Jeff Huber Saul Klein Fred Wilson David Feller nehavish Adam Nash Jeff Jarvis Daniel Ha Patrix Ash Bill Watt
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