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Had forgotten that Diane Keaton was in *Godfather*
Cafe Metro, Eden Center, blew me away
Neil Young '68 -- really quite a good CD
Songs from the Trilogy
Stephane Audeguy, *The Only Son*, fictional biography of Rousseau's brother
Kiyoshi Kurosawa, *Cure*. Pretty good.
The Bacardi book is excellent
Dinner with Germans
Slumdog Millionaire, tomorrow if I am lucky
Southern Economics Association meetings are in Washington today
Thinking some students should write on how Latin America recovered from the Great Depression; many interesting stories
Reading Heckman again -- does it really make sense?
Listening to James Tenney when Dan Klein walks in the door and thinks it is Varese
Twitter is a pull technology, not push. Response to email overload, visit when you want, and no one expects you necessarily have read it.
I would have picked "Tweet" as word of the year.
Told my class about Twitter tonight. Most of them don't use it.
Tried one episode of Deep Six Nine, or whatever, just awful
*Let the Right One In*, an excellent movie
vol.2 best on the new Dylan CD, big stash of classic stuff arriving tomorrow from Amazon