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Found myself in a Scientology raid.
Censorship rally wound down. Trying to kill some time before PTUB. Too hot outdoors.
Internet sensor ship - not popular with conspiracy theorists.
Just had a nightmare in erlang.
@Sutto I hear you need to use your toes to type the shortcut.
Learning how to make html editing in vim bearable. There needs to be a command for hunting down the author of bad code and castrating.
Listening to radio for the first time, after letting it scrobble away for months.
@asimpleparadox I hear it has vampires and is loved by lots of schoolgirls. Both these things appeal to me.
Tossing up whether I'm alive enough to catch twilight tonight.
@asimpleparadox why not scan/ocr/manually fix? Typing for 14 hrs is crazy talk!
@grum you obviously don't screw with your fingers enough to experience digital rigidity.
Needs more kitten burger!!
Ugh feel like I'm getting a cold again. This better sod off before holidays.
@asimpleparadox in my pants. You're welcome any time.
@grum which one did you get?
Formatting ugly ass html.
@grum try changing your password?
git-svn great success!
@Chisa When that happens to me I flip it up side down and run the ball backwards and forwards on a piece of paper. It'll clean it out.


Mr Messina Lachlan Hardy Nic Hodges Kitta Jonathon Michael Newby that grum guy! Sarah Cameron Adams Gary Barber drew robinson Christopher Clark Simone Bel Dmitry Baranovskiy jordanbrock Ben Buchanan Twitterrific jurgen Richard Giles Bronwen Clune Webjam Ben Askins Palaniappan C Carter Parks Karl Brightman Myles Eftos Brian Turnbull Lachie Cox Kay Smoljak Tim Lucas Cale Woodley Ben Eenhoorn Matt Cutts Ezra Zygmuntowicz