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... @smbrown QOTD: "I inverted the hack of all things"
... Trivia question of the day: What is the only Top 10 song ever recorded on a U.S. Air Force Base? I am giving out a prize
... RT @scottros genius note to @mkapor on how Twitter is like old-time headline fitting:
... delighted that Eric Hellweg got to hear the big G chord
... I wish our website host was as reliable as our website manager
... wondering whether anyone in I and T's kitchen right now will really friend me
... In January we get Obama! And in April we get Ida Maria!
... finding @smbrown more impressive every day
... QOTD "Deep Green is the one indie Newton app that I was most hoping would make the jump to the iPhone."
... show of hands, people: do I ship @johnpaczkowski another Zune accessory or would your rather I moved on to another joke?
... newspapers are essential: compare Blagojevich coverage on to
... huge news story out of Chicago. I hope, despite Zell's outrageous incompetence, there's someone left to cover it
... looking forward to arguing with Andy over the relative merits of Tell Tale Signs disc 3
... thinking about my friends and colleagues at 435 North Michigan Avenue
... and now the second sprint begins
... John +$1.30, Doug -$2.30, Eric +$4.75, Jimmy +$1.20, Richard -$5.15. Yes, I realize it doesn't add up to zero
... who is the Belgian nurse?
... Richard is speaking in clichés
... check
... klaberjass with the boys


Evan Williams Jerry Michalski Xeni Jardin brady forrest Jesse Robbins Jason Chervokas Tom Watson Brian D. Johnson Peter Morville David Weinberger Scott Rosenberg Tim Riley Esq. Charles Barthold John Markoff Lily Allen Remember The Milk Sara Winge Artur Bergman Mitch Kapor kokernutz Chris Shipley Erin McKean Roger Magoulas Jesper Andersen Soren Lorensen Tools of Change Sean M. Brown Jim Daly erickschonfeld JohnPaczkowski COlofson mickeybutts Dale Dougherty JacqueMurphy Pop!Tech Spam Watch