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Malcolm Nance is on tonight's show. If you haven't read the essay that made him famous last year, I recommend it.
My girlfriend Susan has a new art show opening in NYC on Friday 12/19 -- want to come to the opening?
Susan had flu flying home from CA -- so sad! That said, we are very happy about Shinseki as VA secty -- hope he's a 1st rate bureaucrat!
RT @MaddowGuestList: Thurs. Maddow guests: Sen. Sherrod Brown, Richard Engel on how the war in Iraq ends and LA Times columnist Rosa Brooks
Thinking about Susan Rice as UN ambassador reminded me of this oldy-but-goody...
@TheJoshRollins On tonight at 9pm: Madeleine Albright, Nicholas Kristof, Governor John Corzine and Juliet Eilperin of the Washington Post
sore throat! will i make it through rachel re???
Monday guests: Robert Redford on drilling, Slate's Dahlia Lithwick, Governor Ed Rendell and Google's Eric Schmidt on the economy
Friday guests: NBC's Richard Engel, Robert Reich on Tim Geithner for Treasury, Joshua Green on Hillary and Jonathan Turley on pardons
That's **Thursday** guests
Wednesday guests: Malcolm Gladwell, Mike Huckabee (in Iowa), Senator Debbie Stabenow and McClatchy Pentagon Correspondent Nancy Youssef
this is so meta, so perfect -- i want to write a musical with this as the script:
Prod. Will sez: Wed. on Maddow: Alison Stewart encore guest-hosts Paul Krugman, Evan Kohlman, Connie Schultz & Lawrence O'Donnell /end Will
Allison Stewart is tonight's guest host for the vacationing Rachel Maddow /end Producer Will
From Producer Will: Tues. Maddow guests: Tina Brown, Ned Lamont, Jonathan Alter and Nikolas Gvosdev of U.S. Naval War College (on pirates)
... Melissa Harris-Lacewell and Lawrence O'Donnell :) /end producer Will.
From producer Will: Monday's Maddow gust host is Arianna Huffington w/ Bill Maher, Google CEO Eric Schmidt, Cory Booker, Nate Silver
I know I'm on vaca and not supposed to be reading gun control op-eds... but this one's really good:
Friday guests: Arianna Huffington, Douglas Brinkley, Andrew Bacevich, Author of “The Limits of Power” and Fred Francis on Jonestown anniv....
Wed guests: Sen. Evan Bayh, Rep. Jan Schakowsky talks me down, Minn. Sec. of State Mark Ritchie and Robert Reich of Obama’s transition team....


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