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RV camping with Mie and Tesla at Anthony Chabot park in Oakland Hills
over-consumption is the disease, recession is the cure
Taking Tesla to the Tilden Park steam train
notes that when they make something 'top spicy' at Koh Samui and the Monkey they are not fucking around.
Turns out Tesla has pneumonia, not sure yet viral or bacterial
Wish I could make a living reading books and watching TED talks all day
Frank Chu is at Flash Dance
Flash Dance party at 24th st BART. @alexch hurry
@parkert svn #*!&ing merge happened to sustainable pace.
Ha ha, above the fold of investing section today, the WSJ translates 'fo shiz' for us.
Did a 17 hour work shift yesterday. Taking the morning off to relax with the WSJ and a mocha in South Park today.
M Pollan for Secretary of Agriculture! "There are alternatives to oil, there are no alternatives to food. "
Withiut a doubt the hippest place in SF right now is the beatnik warehouse party @ 1433 van dyke. Not a square in sight.
Why are the a dozen copters hovering over haight part of town?
@ grt amercn music hall & just realized I'm wearing my boxers w/ the missing fly button and my jeans w/ the zipper that always falls down.
I love Bizzaro USA. Mopy republicans on the TV
Wrote in Palin/McCain. That way when he dies she can appoint Tina Fey as the new VP. Hijinx will ensue.
My life is officially on hold. Waiting on instructions from Obama.
I only cried a little.
It's an Obamanation


tommy payne Scott Beale Rich Gibson Ruby Sinreich ian kennedy Wes Maldonado Mie Yaginuma Condoleezza Rice Drew McManus Scott Fleckenstein Anthony Joi Ito Mike Liebhold Tatsuhiko Miyagawa Schuyler Erle Err the Blog Maile Villanueva k0re anselm hook sean savage Ezra Cooper WhereCamp 2019 Josh Susser why the lucky stiff asaka RailsConf Tim Dysinger Mika Ueno mjds Alex Chaffee cafecouleur voteforchicken parkerthompson Juliette hashtags