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Just added Tor to Ol' Lappy-U. Pretty interesting.
@johnmscott My money is on Navy. They did win the Commander-in-Chief Trophy.
@ajturner I wondered that too. Data has two common things always: Space & Time.
Now that new compy is here and all lappy data is xfer'd, blowin' away XP on Lappy for Ubuntu. #self_help
Just switched to TweetDeck for the moment.
@stoweboyd Is that adding grades 13 and 14? B/c I know in MN there have been proposals for that.
@ZachTumin American public diplomacy wears combat boots.
@ckras I've had my MSN/Hotmail for 10 as well. Odd to think about that.
Cal's running back wins Pac-10 rushing title w/ 186 yards in 1st half against Washington.
@ckras @cheeky_geeky; even @spdrock and @razzledazzle: Read page 4 of this PDF. BTW: I'm in the next issue!
Battery tech also needs a jump start. We're at a good launch point now, but serious $$$$ needs to be invested w/ actionable results in 5 yrs
@robotchampion FYI: November saw 533,000 jobs cut. I think car manf. are going to see similar. Mich retool for wind turbines & solar cells.
Writing bio for IO article. Neet to run through PA, Lawyers, and PRB—I believe.
@mtanji I put in new windows & doors 2yrs ago. I still put the shrink wrap on the sliding glass doors.
@robotchampion ♥ my bro. He's the guy who hooks me up.
@robotchampion It's in there for when you get home. Just un zip.
@robotchampion No clue who your friend is, but I'll follow if you say so.
Niice! UND 10, Harvard 1.


Ross Thomas Vander Wal Dave Winer brady forrest Stowe Boyd Rev Dan Catt mikel suze Chris Spurgeon Ben Ward John McKerrell Darth Vader Dan Philpott Clive Thompson SteveC Mike Liebhold philip ariza Loic Le Meur Schuyler Erle Nick Dan Karran Jordan Schwartz grah anselm hook MattD Andrew Turner David Weinberger Jonathan Crowe Lewis Shepherd Glenn the GISuser Stefan Geens Benton Dave Bouwman Chitra Sivanandam Eduardo Jezierski Matt Abrams
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