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been a great day, g'night twitterers!!! (cat is already snoring)
@arikfr that's the reason I hate c++. I'll take everything over that crappy hacked up language. I heart java :)
I should model for Threadless. I don't have any other shirt than threadless t-shirts :) that's devotuion.
1.2 gb memory leak in firefox. the problem is that firefox never releases the memory used by s3 firefox organizer. seperate processes ftw!
sleep is fail, doing simpsons instead. alarm set, less than 6 hours sleep :"(
sending photos from australia to the printers and about to cry. I miss aus so bad :"(
latest s3 fireox organizer finally make s3 a killer backup service. all bugs fixed, all wishlist features fullfilled. I love you, s3!
I always buy hdds to back up older hdds. I now ended up with 6 external hdds that date back to 1998 with source code!
@Heilemann io xmas party! no chris0r to get shitface drunk and lock himself in the toilets! webcam ready?
writing my first greasemonkey script
good morning twitterverse! packing up laptop with cellmodem and off to work. thinking of working from a sushi place on the beach. sunny!
played and finished I Wish I Were The Moon. such a great game!
stupid "fuckbook" graffiti photo I took is now featured on google images and became #1 most popular photo in my flickr
rewriting the flickr authorization code on dumpr. it is annoying many people and it was written 3 years ago :)
@Heilemann you were part of the wrong 31337 team then! we had a match daily at 13:37. I almost won once :) all coders were playing it
wow, third windows update today. is this for real?
I don't trust people who don't curse, or people who use perl cgi for web
my websphere SUDDENLY started validating xmls. but the reference xmi points to a 404 page! fail! it won't start again! fail fail fail!
MakeUseOf reviewed dumpr at . schweet!