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@norbertc lay the muffin aside and push those query-changes to the server man. ;-)
@NiektenHoopen eh? toch niet Ratelband he?
@NiektenHoopen yes, feest ende gezelligheid in Arnhem. Maar jij hebt het vast over een ander feest... (?)
@mdekuijper I made a "fix" but I can't test it myself and we still need to put the improved server (including the fix) online.
fixing broken vcards in a smart way.
git is like santa... it knows what you've been doing @norbertc
@Pfountain bye bye! have fun!
sharing speculaas with my dear colleagues.
@twones... but I am using firefox, why do I get the ping box with the browser warnings? :-( So I can't sign up now?
let's all bug @tmacedo until he starts using an avatar-picture. Please assist us in our noble cause!
@mdekuijper I might have enabled the right workaround for your phone now. Can't deploy immediately though, let's test it in a few days.
@nannes heel even en toen had ik die Willem gegeven als verjaardagscadeau.
de Sint bracht me Michael Jackson - Thiller, op vinyl! Hahaha, su-per-cadeau! (btw, de binnenkant van die hoes is echt te fout.)
preparing tickets and stuff for our blackberry team. Takes longer than I thought. Just one more mail and I can go to bed. :-) mhh, bed, nice
the lady right behind me in this bus mixed up her perfume and her bathroom air refresher.
schreef een sinterklaasgedicht in record-tijd. Zelfs maar één keer hoeven overschrijven. Ben een beetje trots nu.
@mdekuijper that's correct. Those 4 contacts are still marked as being "in transit" and are invisible. I can't explain why in <140 ch ...
@mdekuijper @tmacedo fixed it for you. Please bear with us and try to sync again. I will keep my fingers crossed.
@davidhund goed idee! De combinatie bier en geekery is bijna altijd een winnaar wat mij betreft.


Alper Çugun Simone Brunozzi Spif Daniel Peter Saint-Andre Reinier Meenhorst Tiago Macedo Werner Vogels Thomas Willemsen Darth Vader Tom K Renato Valdés Olmos Jonno Riekwel Paul Geurts Gernot Arjen Sondag Koen Peters Rik Schot Pietel Peter-Paul Koch dotdean David Hund Marston A. Wouter Robert Gaal Leonieke Chris Obdam Tijs Teulings Effenaar Eindhoven Polle de Maagt eef Gijs Nijholt Gaetano Ambrosino Ewout Brons Simon de Haan Etienne Posthumus
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