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In the DR, Global Food Crisis donations provided food certificates to 775 CSP participants (mothers & children) & their families
In El Salvador, Global Food Crisis donations have provided food to more than 3,100 children and parents in 30 child development centers
Please pray for all the new students registered in Togo. That they will be filled with joy and experience God’s love.
Our work in Rwanda began in 1980. Now, roughly 44,200 children participate in activities through more than 160 child development centers
Pray for encouragement over Compassion’s students who are applying for university and the Leadership Development Program.
Pray for the Lord to sustain families and children in Colombia as they are encountering the winter rain.
@jahama On 12/1 u tweeted a link to a blog post u wrote about Compassion. Look at this -
Pray for protection over the children as they travel to the child development centers. Some of the kids live in dangerous slums.
When u get a chance, please go to & let us know how quickly the homepage loads for u. There's a poll on the page.
Pray for the children in Brazil, many of their parents are addicted to drugs. Pray for the Lord’s intervention.
Pray for children in Bolivia who have suffered abuse. Pray the Lord will heal and restore them.
Pray for the Lord to provide for families in Ecuador who struggle to feed their children.
Pray for the unsponsored children in Compassion’s program. That the Lord would provide a loving sponsor for each child.
Win a free trip to see our ministry in the developing world - first hand. You can learn more at
Totally Free Music Download from Compassion Artist Shaun Groves -
Pray for the government in Honduras to take action against the constant violence and crime. Pray the children will be protected.
We currently have more than 1,600 students, in 16 countries, participating in the Leadership Development Program.
Pray for the children in Ghana who have become orphaned because of AIDS. Pray they will come to know the love of the Lord.
More than 154,000 children from our Child Sponsorship Program made commitments to Jesus last fiscal year - July 1, 2007 to June 30, 2008
We have 224 Child Survival Programs in 12 countries that provide lifesaving assistance to more than 12,000 caregivers & babies


Aldon Hynes Tib Shawn Wallace Mike Patrick jwhitmire Chris Turner Brian Baute Joe Kirk Jeff Layton Ken Scott Vertigo Dawn Gary Arndt Scott Wilder phill tran Emily D Martin Corona Sherri K. Edman Human experiment Jenn Satterwhite reba baskett Alejandro Reyes Joshua Nelson Erik Whittington Michiel Doetjes Marty Daniels Christie Wayne Cordova PlanetWisdom Marc Brooks Compassion Matt Gabe Taviano Jill Asher
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