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strategerizing about where in the various nebvehicles some of the talent so recently [and stupidly] cast off from Yahoo might be stashed.
@aaronofmontreal is who i meant by @straup! Bon aniversari! Per molts anys!
@straup Bon aniversari! Per molts anys!
@zephoria P to da h to da D. As they say in the hallowed halls of "Teh Academy"... w00t!!!
a two solid days of fantastic festing deposit me in Sunday morning somewhat bleary-eyed and generally beatific. brunching immanent.
Get Satisfaction party a resounding rollicking romp. followed by a cheeky jaunt to Lucky Penny for surprisingly early late night diner food.
and now, to foods with @lawgeek and then the Satisfactory.
decanted out of Huntington Hotel back into nomadspace. was a strange take on SF. fun for a lark, but glad to be back.
it turns out a week of residence in a hotel on Nob Hill changes your view on San Francisco.
@joi congrats!!
Axis Cafe is awash in CCA kids, each bathed in their own self-perceived aura of artiness.
one special move of the nomadic convection lifestyle: decide to live like a tourist for a week! it's Nob Hill for nebster for a day or two
@adamgreenfield @dens hooray for the oncoming occurrences of public municipal objects having APIs. i love it when a plan comes together.
also, somehow cleansed of the megasnarfles this morning. just in time to fold up operations and blink northward. this round SF tends mellow
reinstanced in to Ritual. the 5 drive up was looking quite Outland today with a fiery red palette of groundcover and quick fog LOD fall-off.
just leaving KCRW broadcast space as Jason Bentley finishes 1st day on MBE. good going, buddy!
getting realtime IM play-by-play from @bopuc thinking through the posting of his last update
internets bring warmth into my flu-bedraggled day as it is @moleitau across the globe who sleuths the source of the sonic booms here in LA
@crankyuser are indeed urban-scale visual stars, but i am going textual with Vatican to Vegas, a book on history of arch. scifi.
reading about architectural special effects whilest high on Emergen-C and echinacea.


Evan Williams kellan Blaine Cook Rael Dornfest william veen Jerry Michalski danah boyd Eric Costello seanbonner Xeni Jardin Kevin Fox Matt Jones tedr peterme Michael Sharon Scott Beale Erika Hall President Monteiro the daniel David Lu Dan Saffer Nikolaj Nyholm lane Timo foe Derek Powazek judith george toxi Stewart Butterfield Caterina Thor Muller Cal Henderson Christian Sv Kolding Jyri Engeström
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