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My Macbook just beeped at me during its firmware update then spat out the DVD I had left in it. I don't know why, but that made me chuckle.
@pairofbrowneyes Good call, looks like some good reviews.
@mpaul Picked it up via Amazon. Was watching the price and it went down this morning. It's a nice step up from my point & shoot.
Annnnnnd I just bought a Nikon D90. Merry Hanukkah to me.
I really like Picasa's image viewer on the PC. It's very slick.
It's downright hot in the CNET HQ today. Glad I'm not paying the PG&E bill...err all of it.
@jdubbleu You've got the video set to private. Me can no looky.
Google Talk appears to be s****** itself this morning.
Well, looks like Microsoft COMPLETELY ripped off Penny Arcade's Vista AIDS idea. Except for the box art that is :)
Ick. Valleywag is unreadable now. Not the content, but the new format...looks like a bunch of short tweets with 'read more' links.
You know what's scary? When you discover a cut that's more than 2" and you don't remember how you got it.
I love, love, love
Microfiber cleaning cloths do not die with dignity. To a dirty pair of glasses they suddenly do more harm than good.
Tactically adjusting the myriad of blinds in my office to keep from being blinded by all the shiny 40+ story buildings in downtown.
Whoa...just saw a hummingbird outside the window. Here on the 6th story. Those little buggers can soar.
Poor TwitterFon. Twitter changed something behind the scenes and now the app crashes.
Sending me a pitch at 5:30 PM about something with a next-day 5:30 AM embargo is pretty much a guaranteed way to be ignored.
Anyone know a good place to get a refurbed or discounted XBOX 360 power brick? Trying not to pay full price for a replacement.


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