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@maximolly completely agree with that that command-Q and command-W are too close. wish OSX would make it easier to remap shortcuts.
Filing tasks and bugs in Jira for what will be the best cameraphone photo sharing app.
On iPhone you can set the ringtone per contact but, you can't set the new text message sound per contact, yet I get 20x more SMS than calls.
I just hit "100 following" on Twitter and thinking a lot about signal vs. noise. Most recently: twitter is what you make of it.
@abritinthebay sorry that you're not able to get stuff done with Fireworks. would like to hear more.
Don't forget: IxDA-SF Holiday Party TONIGHT at Hotel Utah. Looking forward to it!
Maybe the most amazing french toast I've ever had? -
If you're considering an interaction design grad program, the MFA IxD at New York City's School of Visual Arts looks fantastic.
waffles make a lovely afternoon snack -
@kevintwohy evolution requires patience. lots and lots of patience.
Jerry Levitan met the Walrus (John Lennon): (via signal vs. noise)
@abritinthebay I don't use Gmail because I don't like it; I don't use it because I don't need it.
@kevintwohy we're freaks. you know that, right?
the bear that pooped meeze's tree out -
@jibbajabba Interesting. I use Things desktop and touch for everything, but I don't use Gmail, which gives me less reason to switch.
As I become more engaged with Twitter, I find that having protected tweets is a major pain in the ass. Considering going public. Thoughts?
a post to the right of my desk -
blast! I always forget that someone has to be following you on twitter to receive your direct messages. so unintuitive.
Maintaining a blog with customized templates on a powerful publishing platform on a personal domain is hard work.
Screenshots of the in-beta LaunchBar 6 making me exciiiited (eat my dust Quicksilver)


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