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Oh, wait - apparently it's terrible.
I Love Katamari for the iPhone. How long has this been out and why the hell didn't anyone tell me?!
@stuartgibson Forgot the .org - not reinventing the freelancer formally known as goodonpaper. Although he could do with a haircut.
Been using LittleSnapper all evening, gathering ideas for the new goodonpaper
@stuartgibson fyi: All fine here for me in the land of Firefox!
@stuartgibson They've moved the login to a lightbox recently - maybe Opera is choking on it? (presuming its something to do with Opera :p)
@freeagentapp It better be awesome and include Estimates! *waves fist*
14 action items in Things to complete this project. Which I will do tomorrow. Then small & personal projects til the New Year. Eyo!
Listening to the Stay Indoors mix from - and making attempts at productivity.
@paddydonnelly It'll stream Hulu, but I imagine you'd need a VPN (eg. Hotspot Shield). Everything else works a gift!
Playing with Boxee - which is frickin' amazing!
This Thursday! ASIWYFA + La Faro + A Plastic Rose! The Limelight, £5, 9pm - as usual!
Just out of Specsavers - I'm slightly short-sighted apparently and might need glasses. Prescription pocketed while I consider it
Anyone booked a hotel for FOWA yet? Trying to find somewhere in Kensington with free wireless - which I've failed in doing in past years.
At a very low-key OpenCoffee - good excuse to get out of the house and get feedback on this work I've been buried in for the last few weeks.
Getting ready to head to OpenCoffee.


Blaine Cook Dan Cederholm James Corbett Mike Rundle Pat cgallagher Emmet Connolly Hickensian Garrett Murray Dave Jeffery David Emery Mike Butcher Mel Kirk Ryan Carson Liam Burke Jeff Croft John Gruber Cameron Moll Malarkey PJ Holden takete Wexxie Syed Joe Drumgoole Luke Redpath Robin Blandford Eoghan McCabe Damien Mulley red mum Darth Vader Paul Stamatiou Ewan McIntosh Paul Walsh Sam Aaron Chris Stainthorpe Eric A. Meyer
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