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@agent139 LOL. Cheers. Jesus Mutherfuckin Christ. Now go to sleep.
that was @agent139
btw does yr middle name start with M? I may have just figured that out.
@agent139 u provide the party favors... Be Well.
@agent139 uh JMC? I know you did Fallen Nation
u could do a serialized podcast w/ gpod
@agent139 JMC: iTunes book on tape. can u get pub rights from them?
@xenijardin A Greek friend tells me his countrymen take their moniker *very* seriously: "The Birthplace of Democracy."
@ulysseslazarus i started replying about hoola hoops being "strongly vaginal" and then realized I should just leave the full quote.
@adamjackson I'm so sorry u have to deal with this crap. Really great experiment tho. i think this will all work in yr favor. Spin the press
Awesome. Been thinking about this for years. RT @timoreilly: Energy-Generating Floors to Power Tokyo Subways:
Just back from a lovely day @ Ancient Oaks w/ Bruce Damer. Biz, tech, veggies, hippies, iphones, and pioneers.
@ulysseslazarus "Johnson": Lebowski quote.
is wandering the white halls of stanford medical while a very old and tired woman draws her final breaths. Soon: peace.
@johnmorton I got in but it's a bit flat. Very pretty, boring. Mostly a vehicle to push Sony product, so far. Mebbe better after Beta
Ah, looks like #Sony has nipped the PS Home scaling problem in the bud. BY FAILING TO INITIALIZE THE GAME. Been trying to get in for 10min.
PS Home will fail if peeps can't find their friends; if users get partitioned due to bad scaling architecture (ie Lost In Instantiation).
@m1k3y "ack! who let the 15ft penis monster into the party???"
Good job! Cheers to @uservoice adding OpenID! via @eurotario
"Home not= Second Life. Not about creating yr own places/content; it's about buying pre-made goods & watching content Sony decides to add."


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