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Just called grandmama on 87th birthday - she asked me "how are you?" I said fine, she said "I'm old!" I love her.
@isabelkallman Just catching up on Twitter and wasn't really thinking I'd be listening to Dana Dane as a result. You = the awesome.
Both kids out of the house. I really need to do this more often.
Mother#^%$ babies and their mother%$#@ screaming instead of sleeping. Exhausted.
I couldn't be less into my kids than I am at this moment. If I hear another whine I am going to defect.
As much as I want nablopomo to end I am not ready for December to begin. CONFLICTED.
My last 20 years in a buttshell:
Missing my 20th HS reunion tonight. Wish even one of my friends there was on twitter.
Seriously thinking about adding whiskey to my coffee. That kind of morning.
@jenandtonica Turning to cute overload before bed. Feeling glum.
7:59 and I already posted. If only every day of nablopomo could have a built-in post subject. Happy Thanksgiving America!
Explaining rickrolling to MIL. Thanks, Macy's!
@KatjaPresnal Whoopee!! Looks like you're having a great time.
Colbert Christmas Special repeat on Comedy Central right now to those who may have forgotten to set their Tivo.
How many freaking times can my husband watch "The Day After Tomorrow?" Many, many times.
Ran out in pouring rain, pajama-clad and crocs a-wearin', to drag trash can to curb as garbage dudes watched. Dignity is so overrated.
Baby did not wake up at 4:30 this morning. Oh no. Woke up at 3:30. Basically for good. Maybe a half hour of sleep from 3:30 to 6. Am tired.
Ever read "The Hours"? Currently experiencing silent desperation over a birthday cake. And I know about the crumb layer.
@fluidpudding If there was a Twilight tweet contest (and there should be) you would win with this one. HANDS DOWN.
Hi. It's snowing.


Maggie Mason Stephanie Elisa Camahort Erika Jurney hotdogsladies Jon Deal Schmutzie leah peterson Jen Lemen Barack Obama Laurie White aliza sherman Geoff Barnes craft magazine Remiel Catherine Connors Stefania P. Butler AlteredEgg Mle-Mle supa Laura Fitton Velma Smeddling DadaMama drowninginkids Chair Briere Genie Alisa Dooce Emily Bruce Susan Wagner kilowatthour Victoria Marinelli Allison Blass Jane George Katherine Gray Eden MarriottKennedy
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