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@ITSinsider I'm amazed at how few of my fellow Austin geek friends don't use dopplr, but I'm bad about updating mine.
Building my own sushi roll at Maki, a Snax version of tigers eye roll. Next time I'll try the modern soy wrap, tried Ed's and it was tasty!
@roguetexan turns out my freshly mastered sister is flying to Seattle tomorrow for ski trip to Whistler, I've warned her about the weather!
@ColleenCoplick I have leftover goat milk butter and yogurt from @roguetexan visit, 4 yr old also enjoyed some raspberry goat milk ice cream
on my way to Austin Zealots annual chili cookoff/holiday party, lots of homebrew to imbibe. Better take a pillow and blanket for sleepover!
@shortyawards I nominate @broylesa for a Shorty Award in #food because as fellow foodie I love her tweets re: food blogs, events, live chat
@shortyawards I nominate @chrisbrogan for a Shorty Award in #socialmedia because even at the SM apex he remains humble and helps others
@shortyawards I nominate @queenofspain for Shorty Award in #politics because her political blogging inspires, motivates, and empowers
waiting for German pancakes, Ed's making special batch for @roguetexan family visit. Then we're off to the outdoors and Wheatsville Co-op
advice needed for '09 visit to San Francisco- can't miss that's off the tourist track? @calacademy, City Lights Books, Stinking Rose so far
Laughing uncontrollably, kicked off production line by a 4 yr old, who then proceeded to fill milk bottle directly from cow teat. Efficient!
Visit from @roguetexan and family. At childrens museum playing with Lorien in grocery store and dairy, my favorite
@gloriakt sounds yummy! I'm making white bean chipotle turkey chili this week for the austin zealots annual chili cookoff and holiday party
@brundage darn, we so have plenty of clean brown bottles in our house, too bad Bryan is a bit of a drive from Austin.
Finally watching "Let the Right One In", at the Regal Arbor. Reminded of how much I loved General Cinemas as a kid, still remember GC theme
Not understanding why my boyfriend needs bay leaves for his Irish toast recipe. Finally realized he was saying "Bailey's" :P
@PangaeaOrganica I misread Tim Wilson as "twit". Then again, maybe not. How infuriating, he handles both AU IP AND Free Trade issues?
@pangaeaorganica how cosmic - a gal added me on FB b/c of a connection through Oxfam America. Turns out she's w/ Pangea Organics in CO!
@ColleenCoplick Magic Mntn report: Loved Viper and Tatsu, hit some serious Gs, though I was about to lose a filling. Deja Vu & X2 closed :(
Glad to be home, and even more grateful to call Austin home. Texas music over the PA at the airport, always so relaxed arriving at night