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And I'm off, will honestly try to get some quality shut-eye
@vax4200 I'm not a poker player myslef, I'm in for the booze and chit-chat :)
@ppinheiro76 and that's the spirit, you rock!
@ppinheiro76 oh sorry I forgot about that. Anyhow, here's to quick recovery :) (bottoms up)
@vax4200 tomorrow is poker night. Want in?
@phantas indeed. The mind is working in full throttle
One bottle of cachaça disappeared, I am very, very drunk. Though not drunk enough to be unable to twit! :)
Rushing home, trying to beat the rain
Everytime I come outside for a smoke it starts to rain, WTF weather man?!
@dbarradas yeah but step #2 doesn't apply :(
why can't I edit an email that's sitting on the outbox? stupid apple... bunch of idiots
o @h_tr foi ao poste :D
@jclopes and then, we crunch the binary codes and start building a time-space capsule
@jclopes this was only a test, now imagine the possibilities! =) like, calculating pi 'till digits become binary
@jclopes yup, cloud calculator worked _perfectly_ :-)
@celso thanks a lot, downloading it to review later on
@Koshdukai HOLY F*CK! MA! MA! twitter does calculations!


danah boyd om Bernardo Fred Oliveira Mike Rowehl Stowe Boyd José Marques Robert Scoble Tiago Pinto Mike Butcher ricardo rjm Tiago Macedo rands tozé Andre Ribeirinho Bruno Pedro Odrakir Hugo Neves da Silva Sérgio Rebelo Filipe Carvalho Urban Pedro Custódio vrypan Werner Vogels Daniel Appelquist Moof Rudy De Waele David Ramalho Bill Soistmann Gamboa psousa PELF Francisco Cabrita Paul Walsh Bruno Monteiro
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