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My friend just got laid off from NYO's network of blogs. They laid off anyone that's not on the East Coast.
Thanks to @soberscott @edwardgaug @travhay @joeruiz for replying to my video game question. Not 100% sure what I'll get yet.
I can't wait to have a BLEEPING GOLDEN weekend.
GAMERS! Gears of War 2, Call of Duty 5 or Left 4 Dead? (XBOX 360) Trying to decide what shooter I should buy next. Thoughts?
AngryJournalist quote of the day: "F-ck you Bill Gates. You killed journalism." -
Going to buy and HDTV today. Now, to find a cheap TV stand on craigslist.
HDTV people! At 42" with 8' viewing distance, do I really need 1080p? Or should I stick with 720p? (Looking at Panasonic plasmas).
NBC's "Heroes" ripped off Mark Millar's "War Heroes" tonight. Ugh...
@digidave It means they've bought a little more time to survive their debt. It's what happens next that matters.
@saragregory Maybe it's an exploratory committee ;-)
#chicago overheard: Smoke detectors went off in basement of Thompson Center, behind Panda Express. Non emergency but firefightere are here.
If the Panda Express ever goes out of business in the Thompson Center, I'll be shocked. They always have the longest lunch line here!
How can "Knight Rider" not be on the chopping block, but "Pushing Daisies" is sent to the grave? Attn: I will PAY MONEY to keep PD on air!
"Sin City 2" could begin filming as soon as April next year!
Need a gift idea for your journalism friends? Check out these sweet T-shirts from 10,000 Words:
@10000words Promoting your T-shirts on - Those shirts rock!
Hi to all my new followers on Twitter. I just hit the big 300 mark.
@waalter Blade Runner, Tron, Yojimbo, The Killer


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