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@cristinacost i think 150 tweets during the MUVEnation session may have helped ;)
@timbuckteeth just in case you were worried you had not twittered enough in Berlin
#mvn08 doing live music streaming into SL is a pain when you have 20 secs of lag and you are trying to time everything for a catwalk show
#mvn08 dusting off a nice new outfit ready for another fashion show starting in 20 minutes on Emerge Island ... vanity ... absolutely
@shirleyearley i think we can make a critical link between #mv21 and @timbuckteeth, 2 hours of sustained microblogging!
@margaperez #oeb08 great Wordle - just shows which community really hit the microblogging this year :) ...
@josiefraser I just received a good kicking but I am now regrouping ;)
#oeb08 rather amusing start to the session
#oeb08 all quiet on the educa front ... that is until the final storm in the battle of the bloggers ... flexing my fingers in anticipation
@cristinacost I think it was a metaphor but it melted before I could catch it ;)
@GrahamAttwell trying to think of a good question about learning scenarios for snow ... but still struggling #oeb08
#oeb08 snow in Second Life ... the deeper meanings?
#mv21 "the fun has been sucked out of the internet" great quote from josie
@Kisa no it was perfect ... and how can anyone beat those snapshots
@georgeroberts #mv21 Ithink so yes if we accept augmentation and immersion as spearate poles of a spectrum of use
#mv21 enjoying a nice informal atmosphere in the OEB session
@Kisa give us a call when you get t o Berlin. Unles you are already here?
not sure I will make it time for today's sessions at the JISC-CETIS conference - will definitely be there tomorrow
@kathtrinder i did not quite understand what he said (mouth too full) but I interpret it as he is happy to share - 'choco-gate' avoided :)
@jamesclay indeed - happy to pass it around - but plese don't eat the candle :)


PeteJ Kisa Naumova Alan Levine Josie Fraser Nick Noakes sue davecormier Ian Truelove Birdie Newborn Bee Kerouac Brian Kelly David Andrew Steven Verjans James Clay Lawrie Phipps Shirley Williams Alex Hardman Jorgen C Leon Cych Yishay Mor Webheads George Roberts Graham Attwell Cristina Costa Ade Stevenson Andy Powell Su White Paul Walk Scott Wilson Andy Mee Martin Weller Downes ifrank Giannina kathtrinder