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updated to #twhirl 0.8.7 | hope things are getting better now
spread the word: survey on twitter during the #leweb #leweb08 conference, help us with our studies
@laTobi dem kann ich nur zustimmen. Pispers war grandios und schonungslos ehrlich. jederzeit wieder *****
damn payback website is so sloooooooooooooooooow before #xmas
heute abend: volker pispers in der paderhalle #paderborn - freue mich schon sehr drauf
@mariaperif wish you all the best over there in greece. take care maria
@toadle gut, ich habe eigentlich immer mehrere browser geöffnet. bei mir konnte ich es auf eine bestimmte seite runterbrechen, die schul ......
@timbuckteeth well, good luck in finishing the chapter
cool... my thesis guys are working on the #twitterVisBT client and i just see the live changes of the tool. like this kind of work ;)
@MichalMM yes, just answered. need to have a look at this php error later
well found out about the website of #leweb myself
@heikephilp do you have a link for the #leweb conference?
i always like these self-explaining error messages #apple #osx
@pricepix thanks for linking our survey, but this is only for web 2.0 expo europe not any other conference...
@petrushyna thank you, will keep an eye on it. do you go there?
@lindacq thank you. do you know one of the organizers? would be great to send a mail to all attendees...
@elearn could you spread the word and help with our study? survey on twitter use in #elearn 2008
please answer the survey on twitter during #elearn conference& help us with our twitter-conference-study


Mike Chambers PeteJ gsiemens Nancy White Jennifer Pahlka Emanuele Oliver (wwb) Jannis Leidel Lucy Gray martin lindner Josie Fraser Manuela Hoffmann Twitter Lee Brimelow Moritz Stefaner Ralf Klamma Jake Marsh Erik Duval Tim O'Reilly Wayne Hodgins Lisa Petrides joao alves Hans Dorsch Peter Scott Jacob Friis Saxberg Enterprise 2.0 Graham Attwell Cristina Costa Martin Ebner Arnold Kim Fridolin Wild Jo Schaefers Jana Herwig Linda Castañeda Cyndi Danner-Kuhn Scott Wilson
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