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I can't believe I have been up for 3 hours already
doing my first homeowners strut-through in an hour :D
just transitioned to the high-sodium-preservative-I-don't-have-to-walk-in-the-snow-to-get-lunch office lunch stash. Damn Chicago winters...
Looking for a spot with wifi and parking near sfo to enjoy this amazing weather before my flight...
@jakemckee interested in responses you get to the 90-9-1 explanations request. :)
trying to catch up on work after a GREAT day at #kidsonline Let me know if you want on the mailing list for the next steps after the event
On an aeroplane, heading to the bay area. :)
Watching dexter in the rafters of a church, seems deliightfully wrong
Living as a gypsy for a fiscal quarter loses it's novelty as soon as the clothes you have on hand, no longer suit the season.
anyone know if there is a tag or anything that helps find footage of reactions right after the announcement?
Exhale... Now for the speech
Election night parties
@somewhatfrank thanks for the link! i will definitely check it out, as it looks like it will be a whole different kind of coverage
coffee may not have been a good idea. now i am jittery and nervous... at least i am getting work done tho
god my stomach. I am so nervous about today! I would tell everyone here to vote, but it's a bit like preaching to the choir...
@jakemckee just saw it in Illinois too
Commenting on this Mashable article :
actually love the UGC commercial for PC's from Windows even more that the SNL recap
loving the SNL review the night before the election. i am gosh darn nervous, but this makes it easier. :)
Wondering what james bond at suburban family party would be like. Him by the cheese plate surrounded by christmas sweaters


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