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fired up about sarah palin. gutsy... this is what i love about this country
are the makers mark limited editions out in minneapolis? will head out to look for one this afternoon
lovin the makers mark bus
a few principles for building great software
@bdthomas @joewheeler @robmay @casron we should continue software building discussion on someone's blog. would be cool to come up with...
@bdthomas sorry, just saw your tweet. Out of town right now so we missed SMC but looks like it was a good time.
@joewheeler so why not an equivalent "architect" for software, who has responsibility for the whole? complexity/underdeveloped roles, etc?
@casron but that's also the advntge of bits,right?they allow us to exceed limits of materials-users shoud ask 4 "sideways elevator" software
@casron hmmm, maybe. let me think about that one.
@robmay @bdthomas userfriendly buildings get built but not everyone on the project knows how to use a hammer.why not equivalent for software
@bdthomas good point. although different disciplines should be involved in software design. e.g. why arent biz analysts also users...
@robmay "software is rarely designed by the people who use it" obviously true, but why?
@bdthomas Great job on LeadVine. good luck on launch
@zappos sorry we'll miss the louisville tweetup with the zappos crew. have fun and we'll catch you next time around.
@jasonfalls ask em if anyone's been to the smokey valley truck stop in olive hill, ky. just featured on food channel... yummm
@jasonfalls Great to see twit2fit up and running! Nice work...
@bdthoms re:politicalcrunch after u have a healthy db of data, will you next try to generate an algo to autoassign political leanings score?