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Finished rescuing the tuxedo - passably, if not precisely *well*. Now I pack Thursday's away kit and Friday's Dickens bag. Then thud.
Getting excited about moving. Bouncing around to electro and packing fabric. OMGOMGOMG.
OMG. pharmacist totally flirting with me. WTF world? So strange.
is hunting moving boxes. Yesss, it's that time again!
Let me be more specific: baffled by the lives of middle-aged *SINGLE* men. WTF dudes, srsly, WTF
Really am baffled by the lives of middle-aged men. WTF dudes, srsly, WTF.
goes thud. and then to work in the morning.
Slept through my alarm clock. Furiously packing. Should have a bite for breakfast at some point too.
Glad to be in the US, and not in Mumbai. Wow.
I appear to be the only one in my half of the building today. Loooneeely. :(
Finding that all-metal gold-panning pans cannot be got for love nor money on short notice. :(
Why does the Decemberists singing the Mariner's Revenge Song sound to damn familiar? I am in a near-media blackout save the tubez. Baffled.
Remembering that the "Aggro Mix" cd I found under my front seat was NEVER MEANT FOR DRIVING.
He really did say it best - "You're a woman who can do anything. Even if 'anything' is other women."
Stoked about Tomb Raider: Underworld coming out. This is epic: for the first time ever, I actually want a game console so I can play it.
inexplicably exhausted, taking a break from drama and turning in early.
Bemoaning my lack of 1.5-inch putty knife. I wanna see what's IN this silly thing, dammit!
Running myself ragged, contemplating gun-ownership, prep for photoshoot, and this is the BEST. THING. EVAR:
Realizing I just came out, to myself, on LJ. ::facepalm::
Desperately wanting to curl up and snuggle with someone. Substituting boba tea for affection. :\


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