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Can't decide if limited connectivity is a blessing or a curse.
@livlab...but do you have proof that Web 3.0 is *not* coming? Didn't think so! ;)
@visualhokie noticed your tweet...can you share what were the VINE recommendations?
@soldierant thanks for the pointer to cool and clever sign up as you say.
@scanna283 @dezigntek thanks! I'm glad you liked the talk.
@aaronwhite haha...I know I would be in my underwear
giving a virtual seminar in an hour...haven't given one in quite some time...always fun b/c you can't see who you're talking to
recently started using Coda...I really like the inline FTP push button for each file you've changed.
well, I cheated & wrote about my upcoming speaking events:
@briandigital That's a wonderful idea...kind of like the old tactic to write about writer's block.
I have 148 drafts of posts..but I do believe in the power of "not publishing"...some of my best decisions have been to not publish
thx for the blogging suggestions! write one until its finished, write shorter, have wife enforce time limit, & pray for mercy haha!
I hate my blogging habits...I start posts, find a tangent, start that post, & end up not publishing either. Tips/tricks to overcome this?
"the pursuit of greatness in a man's life must come down to the pursuit of a woman"
putting together the future of bokardo...I'm excited but the list is long...wait...people still read blogs, don't they? ;)
@simplebits without gradients there would be no difference between light & darkness...which would suck, I imagine.
@rww Amazon lets you do both of those things...but they don't do much around exposing/aggregating wish lists publicly.
@rashmi thanks for adding keynote upload support to @slideshare!


Evan Williams kellan Rael Dornfest Chris Wetherell Josh Kopelman Chris Baum Noah danah boyd Matt Jones Ross tedr Dave McClure peterme Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Brian Oberkirch Micah Alpern Tim Kersey Jared Hanson Gene Oren Michels Thomas Vander Wal Hiten Shah Jason Calacanis lane Brian Del Vecchio Dan Cederholm Derek Powazek Sooz Fred Oliveira Thor Muller Steve Ganz Jyri Engeström Jackson Fox Stowe Boyd Beth Kanter
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