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@dberube give @tipjoy a chance. They have great cyst service.
@dberube did you enter Twitter nick?
Pay @lessig $1 to help with cost of cab and give up life of crime :)
@dberube sure i did. create a tipjoy account & collect the $. feel free though to skip the redbull and tip a charity, blogger, or artist.
@dberube not paypal, @tipjoy. a sweet micro payment system you can use with twitter. check it out.
p @dberube $2.50 for redbull 'cause @dberube has none at the office.
gave $1.25 to Change Congress — Home
...of course @infoarbitrage doesn't need the buck and it's not up to me to send him.
p @infoarbitrage $1 towards going to Washington because @aweissman said to send him. (a test of tipjoy's twitter micro payments)
Location for lunch today in NYC @rafer - - share with Delivr
Congrats @Joi and Mizuka.
@scottbeau @Flashy1980 How do you define a "site"? Site=RSS feed entered by Mippin/someone else. Or, Site=RSS entered by the content owner.
@loiclemeur I was not sending you kiss first msg. I hit send by mistake.
@magitisa Try selecting "YouTube" from the dropdown box on the delivr homepage rather then the "http://" option. You get a different result.
RT @nokconv The N97 Fondle Video, Mobile friendly: (courtesy of
hey. thanks @aweissman. we're having a lot of fun with this.
Nokia N97 - The specs indicate Nokia has built the phone I've been waiting for. Watch video at - Share with Delivr
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Evan Williams Dennis Crowley danah boyd Xeni Jardin Dave McClure Mr Messina Jonathan Greene Michael Parekh Michael Sharon Darla Mack Dave Winer Dan Melinger Caterina Scott Hussein Rafer Mike Rowehl Prashant Agarwal Mark Frauenfelder Emily Chang ian kennedy Andy Baio James Pearce Sarah Austin Vero Pepperrell Rudy De Waele charlie schick Leah Culver Joi Ito Loic Le Meur Pierre Omidyar Ricky Barack Obama ed simnett marshallk glowlab Pete Cashmore Fred Wilson
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