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@gar that's why I was asking those two - I suspect it's one of the "track" services
@remko I wish, then I could turn it off
@dustin @kshep - is this IP one of yours?
@leolaporte the issue is with jQuery - we are working on it (or rather the UI guys are :)
@leolaporte army can stay on laconica *and* xmpp - no reason to move
@remko dude - I must have been sleeping during that part
holy crap - @fritzy just told me about fireeagle!
@dustin yes - email me to get some info on that
today's agenda - cleaning up after my father-in-law and dealing with script-kiddies
@mattj will probably be sending out the ninja's now
more noise for @mattj
/me makes noise for mattj
ooo - xmpp book
@danmactough ah - thanks - still need to fix it tho - it's filling the logs
@zach - the error is: PHP Notice: Undefined variable: user in /lib/twitterapi.php on line 81..."
@zach I'm not doing anything - I was looking in the error log for signs of why something else was broken and saw them
@evan I'm seeing *tons* of Undefined variable: user errors in lib/twitterapi.php
@zach i'm in the db already
@evan is there an admin tool to remove all dents by a user?


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