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My rss reader (thunderbird) keeps pulling the same damn feeds over and over and over.. it's driving me crazy! (short trip)
Long and busy. Sadly, that describes my DAY, not my you know what.
I hate it when a friend beats himself up for something stupid he did.. I'd much rather he let me do it. It's win-win that way.
iphone headphone settings: "mouse fart-low" or "can I get a what? what?!-loud" .. can't I just have "hungry stomach grumble-medium"?
Sitting at the vet.. Dogsitting rules!
3G in Omaha? Wow.. I feel so.. alive.
It's Friday.. for those who haven't noticed. Woot!
Awesome and funny advice for you, ya lazy bum:
@downsdesign have you tried woopra?
our power has gone out 3 times this morning.. I think fate wants me to go home.
Getting ready for work with the movie 300 playing in the background works almost as good as coffee.
People of Omaha, it snowed. I know, it's not enough to even see, but it's just enough to whine about.. apparently.
Playing with plaxee plinally. Pleople please plelp me!
Why do some people answer their own questions? They must not know it annoys some people.
My friends say I've joined a cult.. the difficult.
when you're a jet, you're a jet all the way..
why am I sore? Oh right.. I was working out at 5am.. thanks weird dream, thanks! is pretty neat. I swear! (often)
I can only assume people dont want to get back to work today, otherwise the IT gremlins have been busy this weekend.


Evan Williams Kent Jason Santa Maria shanink Cali Lewis Robert Hoekman, Jr. Dave Troy Mike Rohde Dave Nelson Natali Del Conte Adam Curry Sandy Hatcher Geoff Smith J. Slobotski Wendy Townley Dustin Brooks Eric Downs zefrank Tim Ferriss nealcampbell Lindsay Prescott Perez-Fox paulyk StephFromOmaha Janell maxriffner Amazon MP3 Behind the Scenes OmahaTweetUp Paul Weiss BarCampOmaha brentcrampton Abby Bonwell Jenifer M judeng