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@lozanotek afraid my fat ass would rip the molding off the wall :)
hitting the gym... getting back in shape
@ColonelTribune finally. i passed that deuche bag's car getting on the train the other day and saw him smiling. wtf
@OakParkGirl i never get to see you present and we are presenting at the same time at the mdc :(
@davebost sorry dude. i forgot you were back from vaca. when you in the city next? have to check out the new digs at aon and catch up
shout out to @harper and his team at threadless. thanks for the office tour and entertaining lunch
@pandamonial you in the windy city yet?
will be at the ita holiday party tomorrow? will you?
@trendoid classic method :)
@chancecoble info on bizspark is on the way to you. happy enrolling!
@lozanotek and should be friggin' emabarrased that he has not seen tdk! :)
@chancecoble whatchya need to know about bizspark? you can also check out
moved to a state whose gov is a deuche bag
wtf is up with my internet connection in this place?!? arrrgh!
@StephAgresta still getting my travel stuff together so i am not sure if i will be in la or not
@lokeuei starting any sentence with "whipped out" scares me
the new windows live invites are totally filling up my hotmail account
@Zannabanana can you shoot me info on the mvp summit?
so much to do and so little time
@cicelyharris i'll see if i can force the horizontal scroll bar on yahoo! results. damn yahoo!. you can move the panes to make yahoo bigger


Tara missrogue Hunt Harper Luciano E. Guerche Eric Olson jef Ryan Stewart Robert Scoble Jason Alexander Scott Watermasysk Major Nelson (Larry) Anthony Handley Gilbert Corrales Frank Arrigo Jeff Sandquist Caleb Jenkins Michael L. Judson Collier Kevin Rose bill bulman Jake McKee Barnaby Jeans Adam Kinney jas Woody Pewitt Jason Mauer Betsy Weber Phil Haack Tim Heuer Dave Bost Loke Uei Scott Isaacs James Ward sbabz Chad Udell Gary Bernhardt Chris Bernard
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