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@jeffpulver Good morning - It's going to be cold in NYC
@hobsdv It's a bit chilly here right now-I really like NYC during the holidays-But will be constantly packed from Thanksgiving to New Year
@jeffslack Hey Jeff Welcome to Twitter- How's life in London?
Light snow falling in NYC
Auburn would be a great pay day for Turner Gill- But the schools in the SEC "Eat Their Own" - Ask Tubberville
@bigrednetwork2 Hi Renny just call my office at 646-292-7930 and speak to Seth he can set something up GO BIG RED !
There is way too much time between Conference Championship game and National Championship game-By the time game is played Off timing is off
@scottyhendo Watching Turner coach in the MAC Championship game brought back a lot of good memories-GO BUFFALO
Happy and proud of the job Turner Gill has done for U of Buffalo. He was a great player for Nebraska and now a great coach and teacher
My 12/05/08 score: Reach=1,922,768, Rank=#161
@saltyandsweet Very interesting blog. I look forward to reading more about your fight with CF and diabetes.
@noliberalbull Good question-SEC usually have the best D linemen in college football-not sure Coach Leach's huge o-line splits would hold up
College Football: SEC is a great FB conference but not a place for a coach looking for stability-Have an off year or two and you are gone
I Want Sandy Calendar Service is shutting down December 19th- Too bad I liked this service- No Margin-No Mission
I have been using Twilerts for the past few days it's like google alerts for Twitter-Great way to monitor your brand-
@SucceedWith_Amy Thanks I checked that earlier...I better wait for a good price. I am collecting vintage computers-8800 would be key
Wanted: MITS Altair 8800 - If you know where I can get one in $1500-$2500 please let me know
@CornNation "Weren't you called for offsides against Clemson last time we played them?" Not sure - But odds are I probably was
@ianswoody I probably won't be able to go the Gator Bowl. We are expecting a baby in the middle of January.


Mack D. Male Antonio Edward Jason Calacanis David Parmet Chris Brogan Bill Palmer Michael Bailey Beth Kanter Jay Moonah Doug Haslam Jim Long Karen O'Brien Sandy Robert Scoble Marnie Webb NYC Weather Andy francine hardaway Lilly Evans Frank Arrigo Graham Stanley Don McAllister John Edwards Tris Hussey Julia Roy Ron 7 Days A Week Taylor Karras Ryan McCain Chelsea Moser Mark Delfs Steve Tucker Ars Technica Dave Loic Le Meur Jeff Keni Pulver cone johnson
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