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New Blog Post: Designer In The Spotlight: Colin Wright: Designer In The Spotlight (DITS) is a wee..
New Blog Post: What to get a designer for Christmas or Birthday?: This was an article that I wrot..
@feketegy @kmullett Found out it was the admin drop down plugin i had installed.
@brownspank Yeah not sure what is up, luckily it was on my test blog and not my real one. @feketegy I use a automatic plugin to upgrade :)
@aaronishere Script blockers installed in a browser? Or anti virus do you mean? It is same on all browsers
Would anyone know why the menu bar is missing in my 2.7 Dashboard Admin?
Just brainstormed 12 logo design articles that I will be writing over the next few months. So much less thinking needed now.
Funniest logo design / business name I have seen in a while:
@Dramagirl @eydryan I beg to differ, I get about 2-3 auto follow messages a day and half the time they are advertising their site / ebook.
RT @hongviet: After The Crisis: A Parody of 15 Corporate Logos | Business Pundit
What to get a designer for Christmas ;) *hint*
@johnpwooton Yeah I think auto tweets on new blog posts are fine (within reason) just not when you follow someone.
Is anyone else not a fan of auto tweets when you follow someone?
@thubten What doesn't kill ya makes you stronger :)
Waiting for my 2 pizzas, garlic bread and coke to arrive... first time ordered online, hope it worked. Gotta love vouchers :D
@oaknd1 That is quite an interesting observation, I missed that one. But isn't there 7 continents now not 5?
@rdjfraser Look no further: The ultimate list of logo design resources:
What do you think of this alternative 2012 Olympics logo?
3 hours of replying to emails & filling out proposals is not my cup of tea.


Naina Redhu Chris Wayne Sutton Eric Dobromir Hadzhiev J. Christopher Doss Roderick Lynn Wallenstein Randy Jason Calacanis Dan Cederholm Molly E. Holzschlag Divya Umut KAZDAL Karen Jeff Clark Justine Brian Clark Sarah Lewis Mike Rundle Ryan McKillop Jeremy Keith Arun Richard Rutter Natalie techknow Derek Featherstone Julie Johnston Ben Requena Snook Dan Rubin Veerle Pieters Jim Callender Steve Smith evs paul tamaro
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