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Playstation Home is jusst about the most graphically impressive way to be bored I have ever seen.
I hate var-ing variables in CF. It's a sucky waste of time and the easiest thing to mess up. Can't wait for CF9 to solve this nuisance.
@reybango yeah, 60s and 70s sounds downright hot right now. I think I will enjoy it that part of the trip :)
Things have been too busy lately and I leave for Miami tomorrow to spend Christmas with mine and my wife's family. I need a break.
The weather is awful, but Flex Camp Boston is full! We started a little delayed but so far so good.
@Monsanto what is this? I don't know about it. Can you fill me in?
@codeodor hmm not sure what I guess the answer is no.
@dshuck heh, yeah I saw the electric shock game. Not too into shocking myself so I passed.
@chrisdiller hopefully it just gets good enough for your to arrive. If you're waiting for it to "clear", you'll be waiting until Spring.
3 days of wooting off and I haven't come across a single item I want to buy.
Do you procrastinate? Well, today is your lucky day...Flex Camp Boston tickets still available.
@marcesher there is something seriously wrong with you.
@virtix email sent to you and marc with the fixes. mosty cftransaction issues.
@marcesher thnx. By the way, I need to submit some fixes to your documentation on the Test Adapter Pattern. As shown, it won't work.
I have unit testing templates for MXUnit for my generator created and working. I may remove the project specific stuff and publish them soon
Hey Woot!, no one wants the damn watch...can we move on please?
@joeRinehart congrats! after the first year its a breeze...hehehe...I can't keep a straight face and say that.
Tribune co. (LA Times & Chicago Tribune) declares bankruptcy. In a few years we'll have no choice but to get news from poorly sourced blogs.
Happy that 'Bama lost though I'm no Gator fan - just a Nick Satan hater.
@awest heh...yeah...but we leave to Miami and family for xmas in 9 days so she figured I could enjoy it before we go.


Nick Tong J. Phillip Camp Ryan Stewart Critter Blaine Bradbury Tyler Fitch Terrence Ryan Flex Framework Doug Laakso John WIlker Tom Ortega 360Flex John Ramon Dan Wilson Peter Bell Sean Corfield Adobe ColdFusion Chris Scott Coldfusion Framework Daniel Lancelot Adam Ness Rob Brooks-Bilson João Fernandes Derek P. Shannon Hicks Jen Larkin Mark Drew Jim Louis Brian Swartzfager Brian Meloche Kyle Hayes Rey Bango kola oyedeji Dave Shuck Aaron Lynch Marcos Placona
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