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Seen on boingboing: "Arab shoe-tossing isn't a gesture of friendly affection" (really? i'm shocked!)
me: if the shoe fits.... 7s: throw it.
my twitter world is now complete! yea orrin @otherwords
@leesiscoe anything that ends in "get er done"
Thanks @jiggo :)
inbox0 shazam!
@samanthajcampen you are both beautiful and highly intelligent.
chocolates: breakfast of champions! unrelated: can i charge the 3rd party vendor who sent chocolates for my personal trainer &/or girdle?
@fraying that is a great idea. i'd buy one.
@luthienrising -- me too. i really love those people and all the great things they they and their site have brought me.
@curiouskiwi i literally gasped outloud. yahoo! obviously has its head firmly lodged in its ass. very stupid decision. i'm pissed.
why am i so eager to be a chocolate victim? "it's not my fault i ate all those chocolates! they were THERE!" #themethisweek
@slightclutter where are your snow pics? i just took a special trip to flickr to see your shots but no go? load 'em up chica!
@kicey maybe you could think of it as fan mail? fan chirstimas present?
RT @javajive "Top 10 List of People to Unfollow on Twitter" I think I'm a #3. Sorry tweeps!
@macker i live in little wine country (not big wine country) & most of our vitners are using cork. the other type is superior tho.
@sidereal_ you need to find the workarounds that the Chinese and Emeratis use.
@allspaw are you mocking my afternoon exuberance??!!! (shocked!)
one more tweet & i'm done (for a while)... veer's xmas "deal" = $200 off your $1k purchase. i kick the ground and delete that email.
@cratekane and i are having bi-coastal chocolate experiences. the magic of the internets!!


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