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@randymooney not really, unfortunately. I actually use a Twitter app on my iPhone to reply if i'm mobile.
@randymooney it's right next to Northern Lights Theatre on South Commercial.
@terrystorch Not for Google Apps yet, apparantly. But the native Tasks app for Mail under Google Labs is a nice addition!
@vinthomas ha! Yeah, those are similar to the stats we get from the Morning Star website. I guess if it's not packaged with the OS, eh.
@bobegods @vinthomas @BudAustin @randymooney can y'all send me yr email addresses to Just so I have 'em, KTHX.
@garyvee Something about national security, etc, which is valid. Someone in his camp should 3rd party tweet for him though, totally. good PR
@garyvee good call. although.. I did hear that they're not going to let HIM tweet or anything like that when he's actually in office.
@BudAustin I use Tweetdeck. seems to handle the Twitter API better. I liked Twhirl, but Tweetdeck saves your feed, I just leave it running.
@BudAustin It's pretty quiet after 9, not alot of people come in that late. If they do, it's to the bar and that's over on the other side.
@bobegods @vinthomas @randymooney @budaustin Good call, we need something quieter. I'm going to have to go with Guadalahara for quietness.
@bobegods @vinthomas @randymooney @budaustin I'm suggesting The Ram, Applebees, or Guadalahara. Ooo! Or McMenamins on Liberty.
@Chris_Randall I'm the same way, only with samples. 250GB and counting. I really should stop.
@stretta @Chris_Randall Me! oh wait. He just has less cables though, eh? Can we call in his awesome AD plugins as an offset?


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