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@tedmurphy me too.., I might have to change out my YouTube videos for something else.
@johnvalines I like "The Puddle". Thanks for the input!"The Splash Shack" or "The Faucet" cause it makes drips,"The Can" LOL like paint can.
Just spoke to new company owners and downtown employees at "What's Up Orlando". Talked about how to find arts and culture downtown.
DRIP DANCER AUDITIONS! This Tues and Wed. Local and national performances (travel optional). PAID to get messy.
@brianfeldman No way!!! are you serious?? I thought you were going to get a magic t-shirt or something.
Represented the Red Chair Project at the Orlando Magic Game. Signed up people to receive free & discounted arts tix.
@brianfeldman haha, nice names. My favorite is D-HQ Pirty lane.
Thanks @kreative2009! I'll let you know when one is coming up.
DRIPville? DRIP Studios? DRIPPIE Land? The DRIP House? :) What do you think?
I think we found our DRIP creative studio/offices. Now for the fun part...naming it. Does anyone have any ideas? DRIP World? Paintytown?
Found our dog :) thank god. Followed someone home and went to a doggy camp for a day.
Our dog is missing. We came home & realized he is not here...:( must have slipped out the door earlier? Will post signs tomorrrow morn. :(
Went black Friday shopping for the first time. It was fun, got 2 king size 300 count sheet sets for $39! Now for a nap.
Food, sleep and maybe shopping tomorrow. When is a 15'x10' bedroom tv too big? 40", 50", 60"???
Just ate @ Houston's...Artichokes and smoked salmon make it so easy 2 over eat.... Aehh....I did have a smile on my face the whole time :)
I didn't bleach my hair long enough so the pink didn't really hold.
Giving myself pink highlights... Wish me luck :)
My Twitter 'stash is finally gone :) I just had to open photoshop.


Mark Baratelli Orlando Fringe Jamesson Ryan Price ted murphy Tara Lamberson Forest Young Blogging Fringe denna Stever Robbins Margaret Nolan Dana Robbins Orlando JobSpot brookpiferphoto johnvalines NaNoWriMo CREATE CHAOS 2008 IZEA Tim Ferriss Brian Feldman garciagunn reschimm emmabunny Dana DeLapi Metromix Orlando OrlandoScene.TV Red Chair Project Andy Dooley Lindsey Levy Tina Woodall joshkirkphoto Melissa hoxie25 CoLab Orlando CSAJ6