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@RossCode ouch I feel ur pain. I have been there before. Nice way to wake up :)
Sitting in plane waiting to take off for rdu. Let's go already.
@SteveAndrews ha that is funny. We thought that is what happened :)
@SteveAndrews what was up with that group chat last night?
@robconery I trust me I know and understand
off to ord to fly to rdu. should be a fun drive in with the wind and ice
@robconery @humancompiler, @lozanotek well if they cannot accept patches on an OSS project it is not so OSS now is it.. yea, yea, i know
@regeiger no not seen any contribs. personaly i say NO to contribs, just help the actual project out
@lozanotek we could. my problem is that it would have to come after the book, dimecasts and work, oh and the kids :)
@HumanCompiler @lozanotek same thing i asked him in an email. I would love to see us all help out in some way
@subdigital i like that route testing, i am going to add that to my code base this week
@MotoWilliams I think that either @chadmyers or I (when i better understand it) could do that. Or anyone else if wanted <nudge>@jagregory
@jagregory how do u have FNH output the sql statements?
@chadmyers i will try to email it, may have to bounce here as the youngest sounds like he may be getting up
@chadmyers no, just went straight to Fluent. no HBM
i know F NH output the xml right? where
@chadmyers the loading of the list of sponsors (really just want a one-to-one) is not loading


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