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and then i had to buy adam sandler's hanukkah song to balance it all out ....
just bought john denver & the muppets christmas album from emusic - brings back memories!
insomnia last night + long day working on computer = bug-eyed girl
it's a crafty kind of day (not me making them, but me shopping for them!)
getting a replacement kindle as mine has a broken button (they said it rarely happens....??); amzn customer service was great tho
jay and i just received dueling Kindle's as b'day / holiday gifts -- courtesy of a very generous relative... very excited!
happy birthday @imjay
dogs on a string alert = 14 dogs, 3 very brave people
large pile of mail reduced to very small pile
Arrived in seattle - enjoyed my guilty pleasure of led zep on the way - thx virgin am
watching rocky horror picture show with the whole family on thanksgiving: priceless
rain in LA is very similar to rain in Seattle, except warmer
in LA when the temperature drops below 65 everything thinks it's freezing outside; I have no sympathy
palm springs is the land of s's; here you can snooze, swim, sun, see, snog, snack, and snarf
just landed in PSP -- warm, dark, & deserty, and free wi-fi at the airport; a nice start to vacation!
tired of people making snide comments bc i live on republican st; just because i live here doesn't mean I AM one-i used to live on beaver st
re-pierced my second piercing in each ear with earrings from etsy (it didn't hurt too much, don't worry)
shopping from "fresh"; now seriously hungry
wondering what's for dinner....
okay, three nights of staying up until 2am and working on multiple design projects at one time has taken a toll on my brain


Biz Stone Livia Derek Powazek Gregarious Bre Pettis Lee LeFever Brian Fling Nancy White Tom Watson Nick Finck Craig Saila Natala Menezes Homer J Simpson Jim Benson Tiffehr Chris Dent Jay Fienberg Stephen Colbert Jake Ludington Moby Dick Photojojo Lana Carlene Paul Ingram Ryan Turner Dooce sachilefever Jeanine Anderson markksullivan Sandra King Rob Schwartz Cyndi Fling scottdurham Dan Kennedy Olivia Zinn Kvetch! Stacey Pfeifer