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"I'm not superstitious...I'm just a little stitious." -Michael Scott, The Office :)
went to the eye doctor today and can see so much better. He's a magician!
Confession: have thought FTW meant "fuck the world" for months, which was very confusing. Googled and got "for the win". That is right, no?
@carr2d2 Yay! An argument about English! It actually was alliteration. Assonance is where vowel sounds rhyme, but not consonants. Fined!
You think the pictures are bad? Wait till you see the video
Comcast is the DEVIL.
@masalaskeptic Your mom is the awesomest.
Oh, and to catch up on yesterday's convo, I want Steve Jobs to bring me a technologically advanced pizza like this
30 Rock nominated for 17 emmys (emmies?). Yay!!!!
Studying for my last two exams of summer term and preparing to be off school for a month!!!
Finally done with Ops Consulting, ate some bad food, and guess what? Don't feel like studying for exams. So I'm off to find some trouble..
Unfortunately, not done with my homework. So...stuck home doing my Ops Consulting paper, and if I feel like it, studying for exams. :(
is stuck home writing an Ops Mgmt consulting paper, revising my comm cert paper, doing Ops Mgmt homework, and studying for 2 exams. :(
I'm so glad I came back to twitter in time for the watermelon penis conversation.
I really need to update twitter more often.
New fave quote - "You're my new night job, and I'm gonna love you like the boss is watching." (I heart 30 Rock)
Relaxing after a tough day at school.
Listening to Morningside by Sara new favorite song.
Too tired to close the month after a busy weekend.
Haven't twittered in a week. I usually like to do it at least three times a week.


Jen Myers A Kovacs Jill Elyse Anders Rebecca Watson masalaskeptic tkingdoll SamOgden carr2d2 Amanda skepchicks Cristy Stewart