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What the heck? Microsoft update? On a Friday??
@poinky For you? Or, to you?
@SinTrenton Was this at Rezzables? Or just about anywhere?
@SinTrenton I expect a more reasoned account of your misadventures once you've settled down and calmed those palpitations. :)
@dizzybanjo I'm sure @Xantherus can also give you the ROI... and of course, the ROA (ask @wello)
@BrianRegan hehe... I like my Freudian slip there... "blam" for "blame"
@BrianRegan Oh dear... you had to ask, didn't you. Well.... you've only yourself to blam
two articles written.. third in progress... it may be tedious, but it beats arguing about hardware builds
@GraceMcDunnough For heaven's sake, why do people expect Beta to be a finished product? Then again, it sure smacks of "must launch in 2008"
Have Sony announced prices of stuff in Home yet? I can't find a URL that tells me
Inword, taking some Xmas Card snaps
given the rate of decline, how long before we start lopping zeros off the pound? Europe's very own Zimbabwe... nice.
Now booked in for a diabetes retinopathy scan in a week or so's time. ho hum
Well that was a short and frustrating trip into twinity.
lawks... twinity takes forever to load
I think we're about to be hit with another big change request on our granny flat build work; angry, 'cos I wanted it that way to start with
Surely this evil little man has better things to do in his last days...
Depo Consulting in SL and on the Beeb:
Good moorrow, twitizens... I trust the new day finds you well
Off to medicate the dog (his eye will never get better, I'm afraid to say)... then bed. G'night, Twittervolk


Paul Terry Walhus Trevor F. Smith Jeff Barr Craig Cmehil BBC News Jason Joshua Green Allen nic mitham Poinky Malaprop David Orban bryan campen Ian Hughes Second Life Official Andy Piper Roo Reynolds Mark Wallace Ordinal Malaprop Chris Carella John Swords Christian Scholz FakeJerry Paffendorf Vaughn Hannon Rob Smart Chip Poutine Jade Lily Terry Deeeep Witte Intellagirl Florian Hollender Brad Kligerman Adri Joyce / Rhiannon(SL) Frans Terry Madeley Peter Haik HeatherDawn
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