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On my way to JFK, in a gipsy cab. Good start for my vacation :)
@bwdumars: Yep. If you have a natural community (or can find one), build a place for it. The comm doesn't happen bc you have a site for it
@bwdumars: often brands what communities because it's the new 'shiny object' in mktg, not bc they have clear objectives/expectations
@bwdumars: to add to what @paullyoung said, communities require an organic, comm-centered & hands off approach, not brands' strong suit
@MackCollier: I think it's spending for Enterprise 2.0 technologies, not for social media marketing -- see
@ScottMonty: now I'm thorned -- if I @ at you, is your ranking going to surpass @paullyoung's? Oh, wait, it already did
See also @maxkalehoff's and @pblackshaw's take on @jbernoff's report @
I posted some questions about the findings of @jbernoff's last report on @tkell's blog- see the comments thread @
@prprof_mv: Sure it's not - but I don't think it was operationalized in any way.
@paullyoung: dude, @justjeff is going to kick our asses
@jbernoff: I was wondering what % of respondents indicated that they read blogs -in your last 'company blogs' study. Can't be 80%, right? :)
@valdiskrebs- true, plus it's comforting to think we're communicating *so* much more than we're saying :)
@valdiskrebs: that's taking Mehrabian's research out of context - just google 'mehrabian myth' for more
@gojohnab, @jangles, @Barb_G: thank you for welcoming me! :)
I joined IABC. I blame it on @shel, @jangles, @leehopkins, @allanjenkins, @dorasmith, @Barb_G & other wonderful IABCers :)
@maxkalehoff @bj -- sure, count me in, but only if we don't plan to have meetings on Sunday night :)
@maxkalehoff: Re: Sunday-night anxiety -- should we start a club or something? :)
@kaye: thank you, I'll give it a try!
Any recommendations for a decent, not expensive hotel (for 2 nights) in London? Thank you!
@alisaagozzino - welcome to twitter :)


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