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bibi_org - I'm testing twitpic with one of the gorgeous posters created by Mucha to Nestlé's chocolate
If I'm going back to blogging: not today or tomorrow. My cat Melanie died yesterday. I can't think and I don't want to talk with anyone.
New PEZ commercial: Scrabble "60th Anniversary" A great animation as always.
Watching Youtube live Very very silly, not a big thing and I don't know most of those youtube "famous" people
Awesome video of Bruce Lee playing ping pong with a nunchaku: Viral from Nokia to promote a new mobile
Plans for tonight: Go watch Murnau's "City Girl" at CCBB. I was planning watching Phantom, but it's in DVD and I'm broken: need to save $
I'm really really sorry. I didn't freak out and removed all the post content from the feeds. I just did something stupid and it's fixed now.
uh oh :( something is VERY wrong with Bibi's box feeds. I think I did something stupid and there are no posts in my feed entries :(
If you live in São Paulo or Belo Horizonte and want to participate of 3º Festival Internacional de Arte Mídias Móveis:
Régine Debatty, from We Make Money Not Army, is comming to BH and São Paulo to Vivo 2008 Yay :)
This looks cool "Search millions of photographs from the LIFE photo archive, stretching from the 1750s to today" By Google
The Monty Python channel at YouTube: via @hugo_sb
Creative commons is now @creativecommons Welcome to twitter :)
I'm glad I have FriendFeed to save me from this avalanche of tweets that some friends posted here :)
Oh great, I cut my hand with the plastic eggs' box. I bet that is part of an evil chicken's plan to make us stop buying eggs.
Go vote or just check the stunning images at National Geographic's International Photography Contest
I'm sad to say this, but Hollywood has to make its version of Junji Ito's Uzumaki. The Japanese films looks like a cheap version. :|
Message to some guys: narrar jogo de futebol aqui no twitter é irritante. Me dá uma vontade imensa de remover quem faz isso.
The sex scenes of Shojo No Harawata are too funny, with 0 erotism. You can't stop laughing in the horror scenes too. An hilarious disaster.
Do you remember of my list of bad films, so bad that they have a lista at IMBD and are almost good? Well, please add Shojo No Harawata to it


adam joshua schachter Henrik Brameus John Martz Technorati Joi Ito Steve Rubel Twitter Simone Bloggers Blog Bruce Sterling Mento Jason Kottke Renê Fraga Alexandre Fugita Andre Marmota Kai Guenster Luciano Ramalho Hugo Strikes Back! Andre Manoel John Brownlee Bruce Brownlee Cinema Minima Wagner Tamanaha Frenchie Productions Doni [MD] Thiane Loureiro Lifehacker Ian Black João M mrdantefontana blogday kragen Rafael Ziggy