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D'oh! My model of video camera can't be used as a webcam. I wonder if I still have the old webcam... friggin' cookicam...
the car passed inspection. Hooray!
Having my car inspected at the DMV and hoping battery doesn't die in the meantime
@briandonohue So sorry. We went through a layoff last week and it was harrowing.
@snowdeal Beowulf was the tipping point. Now I NEED to see a pic of this beard!
Left on my desk by a coworker! There are still good people here. :)
my post-layoff survivor guilt has morphed into all-out anger at the company. What the hell, people?
is the NY Senate seat now just for women with famous names, Caroline Kennedy Schlossberg? (Funny how she dropped that last name, innit?)
Eating at joe's & profoundly missing S.
Car at the shop across the street being looked at. I'm in a meeting about press changes, pondering if I should try lipliner
finished mixing a batch of dough to be baked FRIDAY. Perhaps with a camera turned on. Okay??
listening to sales reps gossip about the clandestine holiday party
Overheard: "...and the cruise will go to the west coast of California!" Uh, as opposed to the east coast of California?
after 3 days of trying not to think about work, it's time to get ready to go think about work.
is celebrating a muffin victory!
attempting this banana choc chip muffin recipe:
10 year olds should not look like they spent the night partying with Lindsay Lohan.
Sunday morning breakfast at starbucks. How different things are from last week
listening to the new NKOTB album while I work. Shut up. (where's my hair crimper?)


Maggie Mason evany James Lileks Jennifer Cisney Tina Clark Tertia Kevin Cuxil Eric C. Snowdeal III Plain Jane Dave M Howard Yermish foodiechickie Liz Darren Cohen turkeymonkey numinous Perryesp briandonohue Scottah sassafrascal Jim Hopkins lordbard bryall stephka kidchyron EllaJayeBee