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Bad back, bad neck, bad head, bad knee, bad leg as well...I am falling apart. Going to bed.
Let Me Rephrase That - Enigma Variations -
Writing an epic blog post about WoW. 1261 words. Oops.
Watching traffic and updating Twitter. Does life get any better? It does? Oh, blast.
@rlangdon Oh I see well that makes far more sense. Children's opinions on things are fab!
@rlangdon If God was...God, wouldn't it already know about you buying the shoes before you actually bought them?
Always a surprise when Porsche send you an ominous looking silver box in the post
@Petronella Thank you =) After 100 hours and 3 weeks it spawns in the place I spent 8.5hrs sat at...10 mins after I left the area lol
Oh my god, I cannot believe I have just tamed the spirit beast on WoW.
@Kitta Are you sure? I've heard it's over rated.
@ilovecpstyle I gave up with Outlook and Mac Mail etc and just converted all my email addresses to run from Gmail. Love the new pic btw.
Hello lovely Twitter folk, is everyone well?
@ilovecpstyle Ooh I didn't know there was a new Seesmic. It's...different. Hmm. I quite like it but not too sure yet.
*voice of, anyway.
Just rented Fable 2 and realised @Stephenfry is in it. It's become at least 100% better now.
Can't actually see anything on my computers because the sun is streaming through my window. Don't want to close the blinds and hide the sun!
@ilovecpstyle @rlangdon Have fun at #hohoto tonight. Hope it all goes well :) xx
Well this is unlike me. In bed at 11pm instead of 6am. Hopefully i'll sleep and feel less rough tomorrow. Mm sleep.
@ilovecpstyle Renewing passport? Last time I did that in England it took 8 hours =(
@mbspiders Haha I could run into problems if women think I have a PhD from ARGC then!!!


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