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playing the guitar is such a good stress reliever. AH. do i really have to do work?
I have one more assignment to go. And I'm pretty sure I'm going to get SUPER shitty marks on two that I just handed in. Oh well.
@KristinaHorner That is SO sad. Aw, poor Yoshi.
Yes Jo, kick her ass off the list! <3333
@j0ames I like it cause now I don't have to be stuck with awkward thumbnails.
I'm loving this upload your own thumbnail for partners thing. My main page isn't infested with awkward poses anymore! YEEEE
lmfao. i love my top 5 words.
The top 5 words I've tweeted: love, hate, people, going, shit.
i fell asleep at 6 and woke up at 7am. 13 hours of sleep? whoaaaaaa.
i love when my fucking alarm doesn't go off.
once this week is over i am going to write a novel and music, read, and sleep. i'm excited.
I read a fanfic I wrote back in lmao.
Organizing all my emails... then maybe I'll start on homework. I am going to fail out of college, I swear to God.
@wehavechemistry I had your cover of King of Carrot Flowers stuck in my head all day.
@lianegraham ..... that's not what happened though...?...oh god.
@wehavechemistry Nah. They don't know yet. It's better next semester cause I get to work on booklets. So it's self taught. I prefer that.
I'm an idiot. I knew I was gonna fail english if I kept not going, but I just didn't bother. Now I have to retake it next semester. FUCK.
i just want to sleep for the rest of this year.
@wehavechemistry Dude. You have to do it. It's necessary.
I am so screwed. Woot!


Graham Hank Green Philip DeFranco Rosianna Caitlin Hill Charles Trippy Andrew Sims YouTube Tony Stef Jerry Cooke Matt Michael Buckley Gary Kirk John Noe melissaanelli sam friedman chad Lisa_Nova HarryJPotter lianegraham Jennifer Levine Sarah Keeler Jackie Klein Marion Liz Leo coollike Toddly00 Zach Gonzalez anjeli italktosnakes 3sixty5days Ellen Barlow brebishop sueupton